Wednesday, July 11, 2007

1850 United States Federal Census, York County, Virginia, Transcription and Last Name Index

I completed a book on the 1850 census for York County, Virginia in 2005. It is available from Lulu at the following link:

The book costs $11.98 plus shipping for the printed version and $6.25 for a PDF download.

Book Information:
You will receive one new, soft-bound copy of the "1850 United States Federal Census, York County, Virginia, Transcription and Last Name Index," compiled by Kevin Lett of Virginia Family Tree. This is a new edition to the market, being published for the first time in 2005. Information includes each resident’s name, age, race, sex, occupation, real estate value, place of birth (specific counties are given for Virginia births) and some possible educational, physical and marital information (not all of these items are given for each person). There were over 440 households including more than 2,275 individuals (910 white males, 915 white females, 235 free black males and 219 free black females). The book has a total of 60, 8x10 inch pages and includes a last name index and is signed by the author.

Author's background:
Kevin Lett is a graduate of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia with a degree in the field of History and a minor degree in Art and Art History. He has conducted genealogy research for the past fourteen years, four years professionally, and is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists and the Virginia Historical Society. He is also a volunteer county coordinator for the USGenWeb Project and spent time as a fact checker, and author, for the Library of Virginia's "Dictionary of Virginia Biography". For two years, he was the editor of a family newsletter, "The Lett Gazette."

Area background information:
York County, Virginia was originally named Charles River and was one of the eight, original Virginia shires formed in 1634. The name changed to York in 1643, in honor of James the Duke of York. York County is 108-square-miles being roughly 27 miles long by 6 miles wide. The county seat is in Yorktown, the site where Lord Cornwallis surrendered the British Army during the American Revolution. York is approximately 50 miles from Richmond and 25 miles from Norfolk. Modern-day York County has land borders which include the cities of Poquoson, Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg, James City County and Gloucester County. A large portion of the county is surrounded by water, being situated between the James and York Rivers.

Last name index includes:
Acrea, Ainslic, Allen, Almond, Alvis, Ammons, Amory, Anderson, Armfield, Armistead, Ashby, Austin, Ayres, Babe, Balfour, Ball, Banks, Barham, Barlow, Barron, Barry, Bartlett, Barziza, Bell, Belvin, Bennett, Bishop, Blanks, Blassingham, Blemthaem, Blizzard, Bonnawell, Boswell, Bowden, Bowers, Bowman, Bowser, Bratcher, Bray, Brown, Bruce, Bryan, Buchanan, Buckherst, Bunting, Burcher, Burnett, Burt, Busick, Byrd, Callis, Candlish, Cannon, Cardwell, Carmener, Carmines, Carter, Cary, Casay, Chandler, Chapman, Charles, Chisman, Christian, Claiborne, Clarke, Cluverius, Cogbill, Coleburn, Collina, Combs, Cooke, Coupland, Cowles, Cox, Crockett, Crowley, Curtis, Cuswell, Daewett, Davis, Dawson, Deneufville, Denfey, Dey, Dickie, Digges, Dixon, Dodd, Donnelly, Doughty, Drewett, Dumlavy, Dunenfville, Dunn, Dunton, Earnest, East, Eastwood, Eddins, Elliott, Evans, Farinholt, Finney, Firth, Flynn, Ford, Forrest, Foster, Frances, Freeman, Garrett, Gayle, Gillett, Gilman, Goodwin, Graham, Graves, Green, Griffin, Griffith, Grymes, Guthrie, Hall, Haniford, Hanniford, Hansford, Harris, Harwood, Haywood, Heath, Heller, Henley, Hewell, Hewes, Hickman, Hicks, Hofheimer, Hogg, Holliway, Holloway, Honghwourt, Hopkins, Hopson, Hornsby, Howard, Hubbard, Hubberd, Hudgins, Huggett, Hunley, Hunt, Hurt, Inslic, Inslie, Ironmonger, Jackson, Jamerson, James, Jarvis, Jenkins, Jennings, Johns, Johnson, Joiner, Jones, Jordan, Kellum, Kemp, Kerby, King, Lauson, Laverty, Lawson, Lebee, Lee, Lester, Lewis, Lindsay, Lindsey, Luck, Lyons, Maeland, Mahone, Mallicote, Mann, Marnex, Marshal, Martin, Mason, Maynard, McCandlish, McCann, Mercer, Messick, Miller, Mills, Mine, Minson, Mone, Mono, Montgomery, Moody, Moore, Moreland, Morgan, Morriss, Morrisson, Moss, Mountcastle, Mountfortt, Myers, Nelson, Newman, Nichols, Noel, Northingham, Nottingham, Owen, Owens, Page, Paine, Parker, Parsons, Parsson, Patrick, Pauls, Peachy, Peters, Pettis, Pettitt, Peyton, Phillips, Piggott, Poe, Pomroy, Powell, Power, Presson, Prince, Provos, Pruvoo, Pumphrey, Purro, Ray, Redcross, Reggin, Richardson, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Rogers, Rollins, Roper, Rowe, Rowelle, Russell, Salter, Sanders, Sands, Saunders, Savage, Scott, Selator, Semple, Sheild, Shelburn, Sheldon, Shell, Sherwood, Shield, Sibley, Simpson, Slater, Slaughter, Smith, Snead, Southall, Speed, Spencer, Starlin, Starrback, Staves, Stroud, Stuart, Sullivan, Sweat, Sweeney, Tabb, Tanerdan, Taylor, Teagle, Tennis, Thomas, Thompson, Throckmorton, Tignor, Tinsley, Tolten, Topping, Tucker, Vader, Vaughan, Vest, Wade, Wainright, Walker, Wallace, Waller, Walls, Walter, Ward, Warden, Ware, Warren, Watkins, Watson, West, Weston, Wheeler, Whitaker, White, Whiting, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willard, Williams, Williford, Wilson, Winder, Wise, Wiston, Wood, Woodson, Wootten, Worman, Wright, Wyatt, Wynne, Young

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