Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #5, page 77:
"A verbal will of Philip Pennington made the 31st day of January 1803 and departed this life the 1st day of February. The words spoken was thus that his will and desire was that his wife Polley Pennington should have a Negroe woman of the name of Nelly at her disposal to do as she please with and further saith not. This day Varn Andrews and Joseph Lett personally appeared before me and made oath that they were called on by the deceased at the time above mentioned to take notice of those words spoken by him as above mentioned. Sworn to this fourth day of February 1803. Reuben Vaughan.
At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 11th day of July 1803. This writing purporting to be the nuncupative will of Philip Pennington, deceased was proved by the oaths of Varn Andrews and Joseph Lett, Jr. witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. The infant children having been duly summoned and being represented by Josiah Floyd their guardian specially appointed for that purpose who saith he has no objection to the establishment of the same. And on the motion of the said Josiah Floyd who made oath thereto and together with John James Speed, John Turner(?), Jr. and James Watson his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs. Certificate was granted him for obtaining letters of administration of the estate of the said Philip Pennington, deceased with his said will annexed in due form. Teste. William Baskerville, Cl. Cur."
Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #5, page 162:
On May 14, 1804 an inventory and appraisement of the Philip Pennington estate was submitted to the county court by Josiah Daly, John Ogburn and Varnes Andrews. Included in the estate was a large amount of livestock including horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, geese and ducks, various plantation and kitchen utensils, four beds and furniture, a small amount of harvested crops, a parcel of books, a looking glass, a bee hive, a few saddles and many other items including nearly five gallons of brandy. He had also possessed sixteen Negroes named Dick, Rolley, David, Jinney, Beck, Isaac, Fanney, Nelley, Suckey, Milly, Moses, Ned, Spencer, Ben, Nat and Pegg. In total the estate was valued at 1,130 pounds and 3 shillings.
Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #5, page 167:
On June 11, 1804 the estate sale of the late Philip Pennington was submitted into court. Those who purchased items were recorded as follows: William Smith, George Andrews, Richard Crowder, Joseph Simmons, Warner More, James Reekes, Thomas J. Taylor, John Singleton, James Nolley, Joseph Lett, Mary Pennington, Josiah Floyd, Matthew Ogburn, Thomas Burnett, William Crow, Joseph Dunman, William Allen, Isaac Arnold, John Arnold, James Taylor, William Ship, Aldias Webb, Sterling Hailey, William L. Taylor, John Allen, Thomas Jones, Samuel Oslin, Thomas Marriott, Col. Ingram, Morriss Floyd, William Mitchel, John Crow, Sath Johnson, James Hicks, John Waller, Frederick Walkens, Jerimiah Arnold, Benjamin Edmonson, John Hicks, William Vaughan and James Waller. The total amount of the sale was not given.
"A verbal will of Philip Pennington made the 31st day of January 1803 and departed this life the 1st day of February. The words spoken was thus that his will and desire was that his wife Polley Pennington should have a Negroe woman of the name of Nelly at her disposal to do as she please with and further saith not. This day Varn Andrews and Joseph Lett personally appeared before me and made oath that they were called on by the deceased at the time above mentioned to take notice of those words spoken by him as above mentioned. Sworn to this fourth day of February 1803. Reuben Vaughan.
At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 11th day of July 1803. This writing purporting to be the nuncupative will of Philip Pennington, deceased was proved by the oaths of Varn Andrews and Joseph Lett, Jr. witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. The infant children having been duly summoned and being represented by Josiah Floyd their guardian specially appointed for that purpose who saith he has no objection to the establishment of the same. And on the motion of the said Josiah Floyd who made oath thereto and together with John James Speed, John Turner(?), Jr. and James Watson his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs. Certificate was granted him for obtaining letters of administration of the estate of the said Philip Pennington, deceased with his said will annexed in due form. Teste. William Baskerville, Cl. Cur."
Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #5, page 162:
On May 14, 1804 an inventory and appraisement of the Philip Pennington estate was submitted to the county court by Josiah Daly, John Ogburn and Varnes Andrews. Included in the estate was a large amount of livestock including horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, geese and ducks, various plantation and kitchen utensils, four beds and furniture, a small amount of harvested crops, a parcel of books, a looking glass, a bee hive, a few saddles and many other items including nearly five gallons of brandy. He had also possessed sixteen Negroes named Dick, Rolley, David, Jinney, Beck, Isaac, Fanney, Nelley, Suckey, Milly, Moses, Ned, Spencer, Ben, Nat and Pegg. In total the estate was valued at 1,130 pounds and 3 shillings.
Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #5, page 167:
On June 11, 1804 the estate sale of the late Philip Pennington was submitted into court. Those who purchased items were recorded as follows: William Smith, George Andrews, Richard Crowder, Joseph Simmons, Warner More, James Reekes, Thomas J. Taylor, John Singleton, James Nolley, Joseph Lett, Mary Pennington, Josiah Floyd, Matthew Ogburn, Thomas Burnett, William Crow, Joseph Dunman, William Allen, Isaac Arnold, John Arnold, James Taylor, William Ship, Aldias Webb, Sterling Hailey, William L. Taylor, John Allen, Thomas Jones, Samuel Oslin, Thomas Marriott, Col. Ingram, Morriss Floyd, William Mitchel, John Crow, Sath Johnson, James Hicks, John Waller, Frederick Walkens, Jerimiah Arnold, Benjamin Edmonson, John Hicks, William Vaughan and James Waller. The total amount of the sale was not given.
1 comment:
Josiah Floyd was arelative of mine - anyone else there with more info. Emailme at:
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