Here is a query I got from one of our mailing list members. If you know anything about these folks, please leave a comment about them.
"My Great-Great Grandfather Lemuel B. Hill was born in Virginia about 1809-10. I am trying to find his parents. Possibilities are Hartwell Hill from Brunswick County, Virginia or a Charles Hill who was involved with trade with the native people."
"My Great-Great Grandfather Lemuel B. Hill was born in Virginia about 1809-10. I am trying to find his parents. Possibilities are Hartwell Hill from Brunswick County, Virginia or a Charles Hill who was involved with trade with the native people."
Don't know about Lemuel's parents, but he is also my g-g-grandfather, through his son, Philip Hartwell Hill. Am happy to share whatever limited information I have. Most came from a handwritten note in my great-aunt's possession which I copied in 1978. My e-mail address is
My great great grandfather was Lemuel B. Hill. I will be glad to share info with you. Thank you. Tony and Linda Twist
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