Monday, April 21, 2008

Mrs. Sallie David of Louisa County, Virginia, d. 1878

Religious Herald, Richmond, Virginia, June 27, 1878

"Died, at her residence, in Louisa county, June 7th, 1878, Mrs. SALLIE DAVIS, in the 74th year of her age. She professed religion in early life, under the ministry of Rev. P. Smith, and joined the Baptist church, of which she remained a consistent member for about forty years. She died a member of Berea church, near the Green Springs. Being deprived of the pleasure of attending church, owning to ill health, she devoted a great deal of time to reading her Bible. She was an affectionate wife, a kind and devoted mother, as well as a very good and charitable neighbor, and much beloved and regretted by all her acquaintances. A FRIEND."

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