USA Family Tree is broken down into several categories, each focusing on a different part of our hobby - genealogy. They are as follows:
Feel free to browse the site. It has a full search feature, with an advance search option. You should be able to enter your family name or maybe the county or state you are looking for and it will bring up all of the items it finds currently on eBay. (Be sure to check the "Search title and description" button to find all of the items available).
If you click on any of the items, it will take you to the main eBay site and the listing for that given item. You can then bid on the item like any other auction on eBay. If you are not a current eBay member, no problem. You can sign up for a free account and it only cost you money if you win an item - you obviously then have to pay for the item! Bidding is fast, easy and safe. I have personally sold and/or won over 700 items and have had few, if any, problems completing transactions.
If you go to an item that you to turn out not to be interested in, you can either use eBay's search feature to find additional items or simply press the back button until you get to USA Family Tree again. Happy bidding and do not forget to bookmark the site. The auctions are live so they change constantly. Check back often.
I thought you should know that all your link to USA Family Tree don't work.
Thanks for the head's up. I do not know what happened to the site. I will look into it. Thanks! Kevin
The site is back up and running. Thanks, Kevin
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