Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Book Review: "Mecklenburg County, Virginia Marriages 1765-1853" with Last Name Index A-M

The following is a summary of the last name index, N-Z, for John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr.'s "Mecklenburg County Virginia Marriages 1765-1853." Entries show both bride and groom's names, marriage bond or license date and sometimes witnesses, consents and other items of interest. This is a soft cover reprint by New Papyrus Co. of a 1989 original, contains 302 pages plus figures, appendices & fold-out map. Mecklenburg County was formed in 1764 from the portion of Lunenburg County which had previously been set aside as St. James' Parrish. This book contains a total of 4,123 marriage records including bonds, licenses and/or minister's returns.

If you would like to purchase a copy, you can click here to get it at Amazon:

FYI, the book you would get contains all letters A-Z but I broke them up here into two posts so they would not look so long.

Here are two sample entries from the book:
  • "Wilkes Benjamin F & Elizabeth C Lacy 24 Jan 1826; b - Shadrach Lacy"
  • "Garland Landon C & Mary Cole Burwell 27 Oct 1831; b - Hugh A Garland con - Armistead Burwell, father min - William Steel - (Episcopal) -"
Albernathy Adams Aigner Akin Alderson Aldridge Alexander Allen Allgood Almand Alston Alvis Ambrose Anderson Andrews Apperson Archer Armistead Arnold Arrington Arthur Ashton Atkins Atkinson Avary Averett Avery Avory Baber Bacon Bagley Bagwell Bailey Baird Baisey Baker Ballard Baptist Barbee Barber Barbour Barham Barker Barlow Barnard Barner Barnes Barnett Barron Barrow Barry Basey Baskervill Baskerville Bass Batte Baugh Baynham Beasley Beauford Beaver Beckley Beckwith Beddingfield Bedford Belcher Bell Benford Bennett Bently Berry Bevil Bevill Bigger Bignal Bilbo Billups Binford Bing Birchett Birtchett Bishop Black Blackbourn Blackbourne Blacketter Blackwell Blair Blake Blanch Bland Blane Blankenship Blanks Blanton Bolling Booker Booth Boothe Boswell Bottom Bouldin Bowen Bowers Bowler Bowman Boyd Boyland Boynton Bozwell Bracey Bracy Bradley Bradshaw Bragg Brame Branch Brandon Brasley Brawner Bressie Brewer Bridgewater Bridgforth Briggs Brightwell Broadfoot Brodie Brogdon Brook Brooke Brooking Brooks Browder Brown Brummell Brydie Buckner Buford Bugg Bullington Bullock Burger Burks Burnes Burnett Burney Burns Burrows Burrus Burt Burton Burwell Butler Butterworth Byasee Byassee Byers Cabaniss Cabiness Callis Calloway Calltharp Camp Campbell Cannon Cardin Cardwell Carles Carleton Carlin Carlton Carpenter Carrier Carrington Carroll Carter Cary Cater Cattiler Caveniss Caviness Cazy Certain Chamberlain Chambers Chambliss Chandler Chappell Charlton Chatman Chavous Cheatham Childers Childress Chilrey Childrey Childry Christian Christmas Christopher Church Cirkes Clack Claiborne Clanch Clardy Clark Clarke Claunch Clausel Clay Clayton Cleaton Clements Clemmonds Clemonds Cliborne Cobb Cobbs Cocke Cogbill Cola Cole Coleman Coles Coley Colley Collier Collins Comer Conley Connaway Connell Conner Cook Cooper Copley Coppendge Corn Corpier Couch Courtney Coursen Cousins Couzens Covington Cowan Cowen Cox Craddock Crafton Craig Crawley Creath Creedle Crenshaw Crew Crews Crook Crow Crowder Crutcher Crutchfield Crute Crymes Culbreath Cumbia Cunningham Curtis Cutts Cypress Dabbs Dacus Dailey Daley Daly Dance Daniel Daves Davis Daws Day Degraffenreid Degraffenreidt Decker Dedman Delk Delony Dennis Denton Dew Dewes Dickerson Dickins Dixon Dodson Doggett Dortch Douglas Doyle Draper Drew Drummond Drumwright Duffee Dugger Duncan Dunn Dunnavant Dunnavon Dunnington Dunston Dupree Duprey Durham Duty Earles Easley Easter Eastham Eastland Eaton Eddins Edmonds Edmondson Edmonson Edmunds Edmundson Edwards Elam Elder Elibeck Ellington Elliott Ellis Elvin Emery Epperson Eppes Epps Erby Erskine Estes Eubank Evans Ezell Fagins Fain Fargeson Farley Farmer Farrar Farris Faulkner Fausett Feagins Feagons Featherston Feggin Feggins Feild Feilder Fennell Ferguson Ferrell Field Fielder Finch Finn Finney Fisher Fitts Fitzackerly Fleming Flinn Flood Floyd Flynn Flynne Fontaine Foote Fore Forliness Forman Foster Fowler Fowlkes Fox Francis Franklin Frasar Fraser Frazer Frazier Freeman French Fuller Furham Gabard Gafford Gaines Gardner Garey Garland Garner Garrett Garrott Gary Gayle Gee Geoghegan George Giles Gill Gillespie Gilliam Glasgow Glasscock Glidewell Glover Gober Godsey Goen Goff Gold Gooch Goode Goods Goodwin Gordon Graham Granger Grasty Graves Gray Green Greenwood Greer Greffies Gregory Gresham Griffin Griffith Grigg Grimes Grymes Guy Gwaltney Hagerman Hagood Haile Hailestock Hailey Hailstock Haley Hall Halm Halton Hamblen Hamblin Hamilton Hamlett Hamlin Hamme Hammond Hamner Hanbury Hancock Hansard Hanserd Hardie Hardin Hardy Hargrove Harper Harria Harris Harrison Harriss Harwell Harwood Haskins Hasten Hastin Hasting Hastings Hatch Hatchell Hatcher Hatsel Hatsell Hawkins Hawks Hawthorne Hayes Hayles Haynes Hazelwood Hazlewood Hearn Heathcock Hedderly Heggie Helm Hendrick Henly Henry Hepbourne Hepburn Hester Hethcock Hewes Hickman Hicks Higgerson Hightower Hill Hilton Hines Hinton Hite Hix Hobsin Hodge Hoges Hogan Hogwood Holcomb Hollins Holloway Holmes Holt Holtsford Homes Hood Hooper Hopkins Hord House Howard Howerton Hubbard Huddleston Hudgins Hudson Hughes Hull Humphress Humphries Hundley Hunt Hunter Hurst Hurt Hutcherson Hutcheson Hutson Hutt Hutton Hyde Hynt Inge Ingram Insco Irby Isham Ivey Ivy Jackson James Jarrott Jefferson Jeffress Jeffreys Jeffries Jenkins Jerman Jeter Jewell Jiggetts Johns Johnson Johnston Jones Jordan Joyce Justice Keeling Keen Keeton Kelley Kelly Kendrick Kennedy Kennon Kersey Keys Kidd Kimball Kimbrough King Kinker Kirk Kirkland Kirks Kiser Kittrell Knight Knott Knowell Knox Lacy Ladd Laffoon Laine Laird Lamay Lamb Lambert Lamkin Land Langford Langhorne Langley Lanier Lark Lawrence Lawson Lawton Leneve Leach Leaker Lear Leckie Lee Leftwich Leigh Leneve Lester Lett Leverman Lewis Lidderdal Lifford Light Lightfoot Ligon Lindley Lisk Lloyd Loafman Lockett Loftis Lollis Lomax Lonnon Love Lovingston Lowery Lowry Loyd Lucas Lukes Lumpkin Lumsdon Lunsford Lydick Lyle Lynch MacCarter MacGowan Mackecy Maclin Major Mallett Mallory Malone Manley Mann Manning Marable Markam Marks Marriott Marshall Martin Mason Massey Matthews May Mayes Mayfield Maynard Mayne Mayo McAden McCargo McCarter McCraw McCutcheon McDaniel McDearman McDowell McGowan McHarg McKinney McLaughlin McLin McNeal McQuie McRilon Meacham Mealer Mealey Mealler Medley Meldrum Meredith Merritt Merryman Michaux Middagh Miller Mills Mimms Mims Minor Mise Mitchell Mize Monday Monroe Montague Montgomery Moody Moon Moore Morgain Morgan Morris Morton Moseley Moss Mountcastle Mullins Munford Murdock Murfey Murphey Murray Murrell Murrill Mustian

Again, if you would like to purchase a copy, you can click here to get it at Amazon:

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