Friday, December 19, 2008

DNA Update - Free upgrade on the way

As mentioned earlier, the Charlie Brock DNA test did not result in a known haplogroup. With that in mind, I received the following e-mail on 12/17/08 from FamilyTreeDNA:

"Dear Family Tree DNA Customer,

During the 3rd Annual Family Tree DNA Conference on Genetic Genealogy, we announced that if we could not predict your haplogroup with 100% confidence, we would run your DNA sample through our Backbone SNP test for free. Please note that the DNA values that you received are correct, it is the haplogroup that we would like to confirm through this additional test.

Your sample qualifies for this free SNP test and your test will be ordered this afternoon. The test should take approximately three to five weeks and the results will be posted in both the Haplogroup and Y-DNA DYS Values section of your Family Tree DNA personal page, you will see the results in the box to the right of the haplogroup assignment. Please note that once you have a confirmed SNP assignment, you will be able to join the Genographic Project (if you elect to do so and have not already) and you will have a clear and unambiguous SNP position on the “tree” of mankind.

For more about our SNP Assurance Program (the first of its kind in the Genetic Genealogy industry, and as yet unmatched by any other company in the field) please click the link below:

Best Regards,

Darren Marin
Family Tree DNA"

1 comment:

Kevin Lett said...

This test is due back on 2/2/2009.