Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My house is now on the market

My house is now officially on the market. The listing is up at, with a couple of photos available for viewing. The sign should go up in the yard today and we will see what happens after that.

I really hate to sell my home but the family is getting bigger and we need more space to expand. The four of us fit comfortably in this house but another kid would put us over the top! My wife wants to get pregnant again within the next twelve months. With that in mind, it is time to start looking into moving to a bigger house.

We bought this house in 2001 and did a large amount of renovation. Almost everything in the house was replaced or updated at some point in the past eight years. We have a great yard and I will miss that the most. I honestly do not want to move but we will see what kind of offers we get over the next few weeks. Maybe one will be convincing enough to take the plunge.

If you are curious to find out more about the house, you can click on the link below. If you know someone looking for a nice, starter home in Glen Allen, pass it along to them.

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