Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What's going on lately with me.

I have been thinking about the blog a lot lately but I have been too busy with work to do much with it. In case you did not know, I am the production manager for a local robotics company. We build autonomous floor cleaners, not like the I-Robot Roomba, think more industrial. You can get an idea of what I make at the company site, just click this link if you are interested. - Intellibot Robotics. We have a new project underway so I am really tied up right now.

I finally caved in and decided to upgrade my personal DNA test at Family Tree DNA from 12 to 67 markers. It is going to cost me $189.00 but it was time to splurge a little. It looks like the Lett family is from Scandinavia but I hope this test will help clarify which part of the region. I think we were probably from Iceland but I am not certain. Anyway you look at it, I am a Viking!

Keeping with the DNA theme, a few days ago I joined Charlie Brock's DNA test up with the Brozgol surname group. There seems to be a possible connection there. The project coordinator was so excited that she paid to upgrade his test to the 67-marker variety... out of her own pocket! I will let you know how long it takes for both upgrades to come back. Mine will take longer since she paid by credit card and I asked to be invoiced. They sent me a PDF invoice but I have not stroked a check yet - dragging my feet a bit.

I did notice the other day that the Library of Virginia has updated the look of their website. It is in beta testing right now but you can check it out here. I do not know if there are any major changes yet or if it is just a face lift. Check it out and let me know what you find.

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