Friday, December 31, 2010

Will of William Roffe, Sr. of Mecklenburg County, Virginia - 1784

Mecklenburg County, Virginia Will Book #2, page 161:
"In the name of God amen I William Roffe, Sr. of the county of Mecklenburg and the Commonwealth of Virginia being sick and weak of body but of sound sense, mind and memory do make, constitute and appoint this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say imprimis I give unto my eldest son William Roffe one Negroe man named Humpphry one other named Will and one Negroe winch named Fann and her increase to him and his heirs forever which slaves above mentioned my son William Roffe has had possession of before my making this instrument of writing.  Item I give my said son William Roffe one book called Burketon the New Testament also one desk to be delivered him at the death of me and my wife to him and his heirs forever.  Item I give unto my second son Lewis Roffe a Negroe woman named Jude a boy named Sam one other boy named Jacob a Negroe girl named Charlotte one other girl named Kesiah and a newborn man child born of the said Jude and the future increase of the said Jude and the other females above mentioned to him and his heirs forever which slaves above mentioned my son Lewis Roffe has had possession of before my making this instrument of writing.  Item I give unto my third son Edward Roffe a Negroe woman named Suck a Negroe boy named Allen a Negroe boy by the name of Sam and one other boy by the name of Dave one Sorrell horse bridle and saddle bed and furniture and all future increase that may descend from the said Suck to him and his heirs forever.  Item I give unto my fourth son John Roffe one Negroe boy named Moses one other boy named Alexander one Negroe girl named Vincy and one other girl named Pheba and the increase of the above mentioned Vincy and Pheba to him and his heirs forever.  Item I lend to my loving wife Elizabeth Roffe my land and plantation where I at present live containing by estimation three hundred and twenty five acres all my stocks of cattle hoggs and sheep all my household and kitchen furniture and all the slaves that I die possessed of that I have not before bequeathed to my children and a sufficiency of corn and fodder to take care of her and family also the stocks left in her hands and as much tobacco as may be sufficient to cloth and feed the hands left her for her support during her natural life and at her death my will and desire is that the plantation above mentioned be equally divided between my sons Edward Roffe and John Roffe but if either of my said sons Edward or John die without issue the survivor to take the whole of the land.  Item I give unto my fourth son John Roffe one horse bridle and saddle one bed and furniture to him and his heirs forever.  Item my will and desire is that after the death of my loving wife Elizabeth that the Negroes remaining at her death be equally divided between my four sons William Roffe, Lewis Roffe, Edward Roffe and John Roffe and if either of them die without heir then the Negroes be divided among the surviving brothers.  Item I desire after the death of my loving wife Elizabeth Roffe my executors hereafter named may make sale of so much of my household furniture or stocks of cattle, hoggs or sheep as may be sufficient to raise money to purchase two Negroe children of a year old each which children I give and bequeath as follows.  Item I give on to my grandson William Brame, son of James Brame, to him and his heirs forever.  Item I give the other Negroe child to my granddaughter Lucy Brame, daughter of Thomas Brame, to her and her heirs forever.  Item I desire the balance of the stock and household furniture that may remain after the purchasing the slaves above directed may be equally divided between my two daughter Sarah Brame wife of James Brame and my other daughter Elizabeth Brame wife of Thomas Brame which I give to them and their heirs forever.  Lastly I do nominate and appoint my friend William Johnson and my eldest son William Roffe executors of this my last will and testament.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 30th day of December 1784.  Will Roffe.  Signed sealed published and declared by the said William Roffe, Sr. to be his last will and testament in presence of us Elizabeth Pool, Mary Pool, Mary Johnson."

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