Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Obituary for Elizabeth Kidd Wyatt of Hanover County, Virginia, 1896

Finally found the obituary for my great-great-great-grandmother, Elizabeth Kidd Wyatt of Hanover County, Virginia.  I found it using the Chronicling America site that I have mentioned several times before.  It is a great, free site and you are silly for not trying it.

Richmond Dispatch, June 11, 1896:
"WYATT - Died, Tuesday, June 9, 1896, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. R. Vass, 418 south Pine street, Mrs. ELIZABETH WYATT, relict of Alexander Wyatt. Her funeral will take place from the above residence THURSDAY, June 11th, at 8:30 A. M. Friends of the family are invited to attend. Her remains will be taken to Hanover county, Va., for interment, by the Chesapeake and Ohio railway 10:20 A. M. train. Five children survive her."

HOT TIP - Free Virginia Newspaper Search 1900-1910

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