The following is a summary of the last name index of John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr.'s "Giles County, Virginia Marriages 1806-1850", 147 pages, indices, figure, map. Giles County was established in 1806 from Montgomery County and portions of Monroe and Tazewell counties. Parts of Wythe, Monroe, Mercer, Craig and Tazewell were added later. The 1,498 marriage records in this volume are particularly complete and contain both ministers' returns and surety bonds. Accompanying data in most records includes minister's name, bondsman, and occasionally parents and relatives' names. This is a soft cover reprint of a 1985 original, printed by New Papyrus Co. of Athens, Georgia.
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Here are two sample entries from the book:
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Here are two sample entries from the book:
- "Wyrick Ephraim & Isabella Morrison 12 Jun 1847; b - John H Hoge; Isabella's parents both dead; she of age and sister of John & William Morrison"
- "Hudson George & Hannah Shannon 2 Nov 1812; b - Thomas Shannon & Isaac Hudson"
The following is a list of names made from a surname frequency index at the front of the book:
Abbott Acord Adams Adkins Aiken Akard Akins Albert Aldrige Alford Allen Allison Alvis Amiss Anderson Asbury Atkins Bailey Baines Baker Baldwin Baley Ball Ballard Ballinger Bane Baren Barger Barnes Barnet Barton Bassham Bellsher Belsher Biggs Bish Black Blackwell Blake Blankenship Bogal Bogle Boize Boling Bolen Bolton Boothe Bord Borgass Boster Boulton Bowen Bowling Boyd Boyle Bradley Bradly Bralley Brannon Bratton Breedlove Brians Brooks Brown Broyles Bruce Brugh Brumfield Brunk Bueford Bueley Burdit Burditt Burgess Burgis Burk Burnes Burnside Burton Butler Byres Caddale Cadle Caldwell Callaway Calwell Camp Campbell Campber Canterberry Canterbury Caperton Carbaugh Carpenter Carper Carr Carson Carter Case Cassaday Cecil Chalton Chambers Champ Chanceauline Chandler Channels Chapman Charlton Christen Christian Claiborn Clair Clark Clay Clear Clemings Cledenin Cliborn Clyborn Clybourn Clybourne Clyburn Cobun Coburn Cofman Cole Collins Comer Commac Commerford Compton Conley Connaford Conner Cook Cooke Cookey Cooper Copley Corder Cox Crawford Cray Criner Cron Cross Croy Crozier Cunningham Dailey Dair Dale Dalton Damewood Danieley Dare Darr Davidson Davis Daw Dawson Day Decamp Deaton Dempsey Denning Depew Deskins Diamond Dick Dickenson Dillion Dillon Dimond Dingess Dollman Doss Dosset Douthat Dowdey Dowdy Drake Duglas Dugless Duncan Dunford Dunn Eagleson Eagleston Eahart Eakin Eakles Early Eaton Eckhols Eckoles Eckols Edgar Elam Elkens Ellis Ellison Elmore Emmens Emmons Eplin Epling Errickson Errikson Evans Fannan Fannin Fanning Fannon Fargason Farley Farmer Farrier Faudree Fellows Ferrel Ferrell Fielder Fillenger Fillinger Finley Fisher Fizer Fleck Fletcher Flick Flowers Folden Ford Fortner Foster Fowler Franklin Frazier French Frenor Fry Frye Fusten Ganeo Gannoe Ganoe Gant Garr Garrason Garrell Garreston Garrison George Gerald Gerrel Gillespie Givens Godfary Gonoe Gordan Gore Graham Grant Greever Gregory Griggs Grose Gross Gunno Gunoe Guthry Hacket Hackett Hackney Hager Hale Hall Halls Hamblin Hamilton Hammon Hammonds Hammons Handy Hare Haress Hargrow Harless Harlow Harman Harmon Harper Harress Harris Harriss Harvey Hatcher Havens Hawley Headrick Hearn Heatherington Hector Hedrick Helm Helvey Henderson Hendrick Hendrickson Hetherington Hicks Higginbotham Hill Hine Hipes Hiveley Hoback Hobbs Hobson Hodge Hodges Hoge Holdren Holstein Holstine Homes Honaker Houchins Howard Hudson Huffman Hughes Hughet Hughs Hull Humpries Hunt Hunter Hurt Hutcheson Hutchinson Hutchison Hutsell Hykes Hypes Ingram Irvin Jackson Jacobs James Jarrel Jenkins Jenks Jinkins Johnson Johnston Jones Jordan Jourden Jurdon Karr Keaster Keatley Keaton Kee Keeny Keester Keetley Keffer Keister Kelley Kelly Kenison Kerr Kesler Kesner Kessenger Kessinger Kessler Kester Key Kiblinger Kilpatrick King Kingley Kinnison Kinzie Kinzley Kirk Kissinger Knode Kyle Lafon Labe Lafon Lamb Lambert Landrum Lawery Lawhorn Lawson Leffel Leftwich Leftwick Lester Lilley Lilly Lindbury Lindsey Link Linkous Linsey Little Littlepage Lock Looney Loucks Loukes Louks Lowe Lucas Ludwick Lugar Luger Lumpkin Lusk Lybrook Mahaney Mahood Man Mann Mannan Manning Mannon Marigold Marrs Marshall Martain Martian Martin Mason Mattox Maupin Mawles Maxey Maxwell Maxy May Mays McBryans McClaugherty McClure McComack McComes McCommas McCormic McCoy McCrary McCrasky McCroskey McDaniel McDonald McDowel McDowell McFaddin McGuire McKany McKenny McKenzie McNeal McNeel McNeely McNeil McNutt McPhersey McPherson McVey Meador Meadow Meadows Melvin Meredith Milam Miles Miller Mills Minner Minnick Minnon Mitchel Mitchell Moody Moomaw Mooney Moor Moore Mopin Morgan Morhead Morrison Moser Moses Moss Mozie Mullin Mullins Muncy Munsey Murphy Mustard Myers Napier Nausler Neal Neel Neely Nell Nicewander Nicewonder Nida Nidah Niday Nidy Nighdy Nisewonder Nosler Oliver Olliver Oney Orr Overhalser Overholser Pack Pain Pane Parsons Parvin Patterson Patton Pauley Payne Peak Pearis Peary Peck Peeling Pence Pendleton Pennington Pennington Penturf Perdue Perkins Perry Persons Peters Petrey Pettry Pflieger Phillips Phipps Phips Piles Pine Pines Pitman Plemale Plimale Ponturf Pool Porterfield Powel Powers Prewett Prewit Price Prince Pruet Pruitt Pruitt Purdue Purven Rains Ray Read Reader Redaford Reed Reynolds Rice Richards Rider Rigby Right Rinehart Rineheart Ringer Rise Ritter Roberts Robertson Robeson Robinett Robinson Robison Rock Roland Rose Ross Row Rowe Rowland Rumburg Runion Runnion Ruthledge Rutter Rye Sadler Sanders Sartain Sarten Sartin Saron Sarver Saunders Sawer Sawyers Scot Scott Sententaffer Shaley Shanklin Shannon Shauver Shelton Shephard Shepherd Shrader Shrewsberr Shrewsbury Shumate Sifford Simkins Simmon Simmons Simpkins Simpson Sleeth Smith Snaveley Snidow Snodgrass Solesberry Solesbury Solsbirry Solsbury Souder Southern Southrene Spangler Sparr StClair Stafford Stadley Stanferd Starling Steel Steele Step Stephens Stewart Stinson Stone Stot Stott Stover Stowers Strader Straley Stuart Stump Sublet Sublett Summerfield Summers Sumpkins Sumpter Suter Tabor Tade Tankersly Tate Tawney Taylor Teel Terry Thacker Tharn Thomas Thompson Thompspn Thorn Thornton Tickel Tickle Tiffany Tiller Tillet Tillett Toler Tomlinson Toney Toodle Tracey Tracy Tredway Trenor Trent Trout Troutt Tucker Tutle Upton Vandel Vass Vaughan Vaughn Vaught Vaun Vaut Vawter Venable Viney Vohn Vought Waddell Waddle Wade Waggoner Walker Wall Walters Warren Watters Watts Weakline Webb Weddle Welbern Welbourne Welles West Westlake Wheeler Whitaker White Whitescarver Whitiker Whitten Whittiker Wickline Wikel Wikle Wilbern Wilbourn Wilbourne Wilburn Wiley Williams Willis Wills Wilmore Wilson Wimmer Wingo Wise Wohlford Woodford Woodram Woods Woodyard Woolford Woolhight Woolwine Work Workman Worley Wray Wright Wyrick Wysong Young Younger
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Abbott Acord Adams Adkins Aiken Akard Akins Albert Aldrige Alford Allen Allison Alvis Amiss Anderson Asbury Atkins Bailey Baines Baker Baldwin Baley Ball Ballard Ballinger Bane Baren Barger Barnes Barnet Barton Bassham Bellsher Belsher Biggs Bish Black Blackwell Blake Blankenship Bogal Bogle Boize Boling Bolen Bolton Boothe Bord Borgass Boster Boulton Bowen Bowling Boyd Boyle Bradley Bradly Bralley Brannon Bratton Breedlove Brians Brooks Brown Broyles Bruce Brugh Brumfield Brunk Bueford Bueley Burdit Burditt Burgess Burgis Burk Burnes Burnside Burton Butler Byres Caddale Cadle Caldwell Callaway Calwell Camp Campbell Campber Canterberry Canterbury Caperton Carbaugh Carpenter Carper Carr Carson Carter Case Cassaday Cecil Chalton Chambers Champ Chanceauline Chandler Channels Chapman Charlton Christen Christian Claiborn Clair Clark Clay Clear Clemings Cledenin Cliborn Clyborn Clybourn Clybourne Clyburn Cobun Coburn Cofman Cole Collins Comer Commac Commerford Compton Conley Connaford Conner Cook Cooke Cookey Cooper Copley Corder Cox Crawford Cray Criner Cron Cross Croy Crozier Cunningham Dailey Dair Dale Dalton Damewood Danieley Dare Darr Davidson Davis Daw Dawson Day Decamp Deaton Dempsey Denning Depew Deskins Diamond Dick Dickenson Dillion Dillon Dimond Dingess Dollman Doss Dosset Douthat Dowdey Dowdy Drake Duglas Dugless Duncan Dunford Dunn Eagleson Eagleston Eahart Eakin Eakles Early Eaton Eckhols Eckoles Eckols Edgar Elam Elkens Ellis Ellison Elmore Emmens Emmons Eplin Epling Errickson Errikson Evans Fannan Fannin Fanning Fannon Fargason Farley Farmer Farrier Faudree Fellows Ferrel Ferrell Fielder Fillenger Fillinger Finley Fisher Fizer Fleck Fletcher Flick Flowers Folden Ford Fortner Foster Fowler Franklin Frazier French Frenor Fry Frye Fusten Ganeo Gannoe Ganoe Gant Garr Garrason Garrell Garreston Garrison George Gerald Gerrel Gillespie Givens Godfary Gonoe Gordan Gore Graham Grant Greever Gregory Griggs Grose Gross Gunno Gunoe Guthry Hacket Hackett Hackney Hager Hale Hall Halls Hamblin Hamilton Hammon Hammonds Hammons Handy Hare Haress Hargrow Harless Harlow Harman Harmon Harper Harress Harris Harriss Harvey Hatcher Havens Hawley Headrick Hearn Heatherington Hector Hedrick Helm Helvey Henderson Hendrick Hendrickson Hetherington Hicks Higginbotham Hill Hine Hipes Hiveley Hoback Hobbs Hobson Hodge Hodges Hoge Holdren Holstein Holstine Homes Honaker Houchins Howard Hudson Huffman Hughes Hughet Hughs Hull Humpries Hunt Hunter Hurt Hutcheson Hutchinson Hutchison Hutsell Hykes Hypes Ingram Irvin Jackson Jacobs James Jarrel Jenkins Jenks Jinkins Johnson Johnston Jones Jordan Jourden Jurdon Karr Keaster Keatley Keaton Kee Keeny Keester Keetley Keffer Keister Kelley Kelly Kenison Kerr Kesler Kesner Kessenger Kessinger Kessler Kester Key Kiblinger Kilpatrick King Kingley Kinnison Kinzie Kinzley Kirk Kissinger Knode Kyle Lafon Labe Lafon Lamb Lambert Landrum Lawery Lawhorn Lawson Leffel Leftwich Leftwick Lester Lilley Lilly Lindbury Lindsey Link Linkous Linsey Little Littlepage Lock Looney Loucks Loukes Louks Lowe Lucas Ludwick Lugar Luger Lumpkin Lusk Lybrook Mahaney Mahood Man Mann Mannan Manning Mannon Marigold Marrs Marshall Martain Martian Martin Mason Mattox Maupin Mawles Maxey Maxwell Maxy May Mays McBryans McClaugherty McClure McComack McComes McCommas McCormic McCoy McCrary McCrasky McCroskey McDaniel McDonald McDowel McDowell McFaddin McGuire McKany McKenny McKenzie McNeal McNeel McNeely McNeil McNutt McPhersey McPherson McVey Meador Meadow Meadows Melvin Meredith Milam Miles Miller Mills Minner Minnick Minnon Mitchel Mitchell Moody Moomaw Mooney Moor Moore Mopin Morgan Morhead Morrison Moser Moses Moss Mozie Mullin Mullins Muncy Munsey Murphy Mustard Myers Napier Nausler Neal Neel Neely Nell Nicewander Nicewonder Nida Nidah Niday Nidy Nighdy Nisewonder Nosler Oliver Olliver Oney Orr Overhalser Overholser Pack Pain Pane Parsons Parvin Patterson Patton Pauley Payne Peak Pearis Peary Peck Peeling Pence Pendleton Pennington Pennington Penturf Perdue Perkins Perry Persons Peters Petrey Pettry Pflieger Phillips Phipps Phips Piles Pine Pines Pitman Plemale Plimale Ponturf Pool Porterfield Powel Powers Prewett Prewit Price Prince Pruet Pruitt Pruitt Purdue Purven Rains Ray Read Reader Redaford Reed Reynolds Rice Richards Rider Rigby Right Rinehart Rineheart Ringer Rise Ritter Roberts Robertson Robeson Robinett Robinson Robison Rock Roland Rose Ross Row Rowe Rowland Rumburg Runion Runnion Ruthledge Rutter Rye Sadler Sanders Sartain Sarten Sartin Saron Sarver Saunders Sawer Sawyers Scot Scott Sententaffer Shaley Shanklin Shannon Shauver Shelton Shephard Shepherd Shrader Shrewsberr Shrewsbury Shumate Sifford Simkins Simmon Simmons Simpkins Simpson Sleeth Smith Snaveley Snidow Snodgrass Solesberry Solesbury Solsbirry Solsbury Souder Southern Southrene Spangler Sparr StClair Stafford Stadley Stanferd Starling Steel Steele Step Stephens Stewart Stinson Stone Stot Stott Stover Stowers Strader Straley Stuart Stump Sublet Sublett Summerfield Summers Sumpkins Sumpter Suter Tabor Tade Tankersly Tate Tawney Taylor Teel Terry Thacker Tharn Thomas Thompson Thompspn Thorn Thornton Tickel Tickle Tiffany Tiller Tillet Tillett Toler Tomlinson Toney Toodle Tracey Tracy Tredway Trenor Trent Trout Troutt Tucker Tutle Upton Vandel Vass Vaughan Vaughn Vaught Vaun Vaut Vawter Venable Viney Vohn Vought Waddell Waddle Wade Waggoner Walker Wall Walters Warren Watters Watts Weakline Webb Weddle Welbern Welbourne Welles West Westlake Wheeler Whitaker White Whitescarver Whitiker Whitten Whittiker Wickline Wikel Wikle Wilbern Wilbourn Wilbourne Wilburn Wiley Williams Willis Wills Wilmore Wilson Wimmer Wingo Wise Wohlford Woodford Woodram Woods Woodyard Woolford Woolhight Woolwine Work Workman Worley Wray Wright Wyrick Wysong Young Younger
Again, if you would like to purchase a copy, you can click here to get it at Amazon:
Where's the wilmore family tree because im looking for my family
I went to Amazon, which says that the book is out of print. I also checked ebay, but no one is selling the book there either. When/where did you get your copy? There is a marriage I would like to look up- George W. Vaughn and Henrietta. I don't have a date for the marriage, and I'm not even certain they were married in Giles Co. I just know that they had a son named Richard who was born in Giles Co. in 1842. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Try this site, they are the publisher and you can probably buy it directly from them. The owners name is John Vogt and he is a good guy to work with. I have bought from him many times.
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