Almeta R. Wyatt Vass obituary, September 22, 1853 - March 1, 1919, of Richmond, Virginia.
I am not certain, but Almeta's middle name may have been Richardson. There was a Silas Wyatt of King William County, possibly her uncle, that married an Almeda Richardson Gwaltney in 1851. It seems that our Almeta may have been named after this woman.
After the death of her husband, Almeta moved her children from Hanover to Richmond. They rented a house at 233 S. Laurel Street and lived there until her death.
Richmond Times-Dispatch, March 3, 1919:"VASS - Died, at her residence, 233 South Laurel, Saturday, March 1, at 6:25 P. M., Mrs. Almeta Vass. She leaves to mourn their loss, three daughters, one son, one sister, one brother, nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral from the above residence Tuesday, 3 P. M. Interment in Riverview Cemetery."
Almeta is buried in plat M, section 88, division 5, grave 1 of Riverview Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia. According to Elizabeth Griggs Vass, Almeta wanted to be buried in Ashland with her husband. However, her children buried her in Richmond despite her wishes.
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