The following is a summary of the last name index, N-Z, for "Fluvanna County Virginia Death Records 1853-1896" by Nell Hailey, VI, 296 pages, and index. Described as “a thorough and accurate abstraction of all the data contained in the first death register for Fluvanna County. Many of the older inhabitants can be traced into the later eighteenth century from the extrapolation of the data given on their death record. A valuable resource.”
If you would like to purchase a copy, you can click here to get it at Amazon:
FYI, the book you would get contains all letters A-Z but I broke them up here into two posts so they would not look so long.
Naglor Napier Neal Neale Neil Newell Newton Nichola Nicholas Nicholson Nickson Nicolas Nixon Noel Norrell Norris Norvell Nowell Oliver Omohundro Onohundro Opie Otie Overstreet Pace Page Palmore Pamburton Pannell Pansette Paquette Parish Parris Parrish Patrain Patterson Patton Paulett Payne Payton Peers Penn Pennic Perkins Perrington Perry Pervall Peters Peterson Pettit Pettot Pettit Pettus Philips Piers Pinkard Pinnie Platt Pleasants Poindexter Pollard Pollock Poore Porter Pottie Powers Pratt Price Priddy Prior Prismus Proffit Proffitt Profit Purcell Quales Quarles Quinnburg Radford Ragland Randall Randolph Ranks Rawson Redd Reed Reem Reeves Reid Reynolds Rhodes Rice Richardson Riely Riger Riley Rison Risow Roberts Robertson Robin Robinson Roland Rolin Rolling Rollins Rose Ross Rothwell Rowland Roy Ryals Saddler Sadler Sampson Sanders Saunders Sawell Sclater Scott Scruggs Seargeant Seay Seigfrid Sepherd Shelton Shepherd Shepherdson Shiflett Ship Shipp Shores Siegfried Simms Sims Skipwith Slater Slatin Slator Sloan Smith Snead Sneed Snider Snoddy Snow Snyder South Southward Southworth Sowell Sparks Spencer Spotswood Sprouse St.George Stanton Staples Startley Steger Stewart Stiger Stillman Stocken Stokes Stone Stoner Strange Stratton Susan Sutherland Talbot Taliaferro Taliafirro Talley Tally Tanday Tarry Taylor Temple Teril Terrel Terrell Terril Terrill Terry Thacker Thomas Thompkins Thompson Thrift Thurston Tillman Tilman Timberlake Tisdale Toler Toliver Tomkins Tompkins Toney Tony Towles Travillian Trent Trenton Trice Trixtin Truxton Tryall Tucker Tulwiler Tuning Turner Turpin Tutewiler Tutwiler Tyler Tyra Tyree Ursin Vaughan Vaughn Venable Venerable Vest Via Vice Vowell Vowells Waddy Wade Wadkins Waistcoat Wakeham Wakeman Waldrop Waldrope Walker Walkker Walton Wamsly Ware Washington Watkins Watson Weakly Weaver Webb Webster Weekly Weisenger Weisiger Wells Wheeler White Whitlock Whitlow Wiley Wilkerson Wilkinson William Williams Williamson Willis Wills Wilson Wingfield Winks Winn Winnston Winston Woldridge Wood Woodie Wooding Woodling Woods Woodson Woodward Wooldridge Wooling Woolling Woolrich Worsham Wouldridge Wren Wright Wyatt Wyen Wylie Yago Yancey Yancy Yates Young Yount Zant Zigler
Again, if you would like to purchase a copy, you can click here to get it at Amazon:
If you would like to purchase a copy, you can click here to get it at Amazon:
FYI, the book you would get contains all letters A-Z but I broke them up here into two posts so they would not look so long.
Naglor Napier Neal Neale Neil Newell Newton Nichola Nicholas Nicholson Nickson Nicolas Nixon Noel Norrell Norris Norvell Nowell Oliver Omohundro Onohundro Opie Otie Overstreet Pace Page Palmore Pamburton Pannell Pansette Paquette Parish Parris Parrish Patrain Patterson Patton Paulett Payne Payton Peers Penn Pennic Perkins Perrington Perry Pervall Peters Peterson Pettit Pettot Pettit Pettus Philips Piers Pinkard Pinnie Platt Pleasants Poindexter Pollard Pollock Poore Porter Pottie Powers Pratt Price Priddy Prior Prismus Proffit Proffitt Profit Purcell Quales Quarles Quinnburg Radford Ragland Randall Randolph Ranks Rawson Redd Reed Reem Reeves Reid Reynolds Rhodes Rice Richardson Riely Riger Riley Rison Risow Roberts Robertson Robin Robinson Roland Rolin Rolling Rollins Rose Ross Rothwell Rowland Roy Ryals Saddler Sadler Sampson Sanders Saunders Sawell Sclater Scott Scruggs Seargeant Seay Seigfrid Sepherd Shelton Shepherd Shepherdson Shiflett Ship Shipp Shores Siegfried Simms Sims Skipwith Slater Slatin Slator Sloan Smith Snead Sneed Snider Snoddy Snow Snyder South Southward Southworth Sowell Sparks Spencer Spotswood Sprouse St.George Stanton Staples Startley Steger Stewart Stiger Stillman Stocken Stokes Stone Stoner Strange Stratton Susan Sutherland Talbot Taliaferro Taliafirro Talley Tally Tanday Tarry Taylor Temple Teril Terrel Terrell Terril Terrill Terry Thacker Thomas Thompkins Thompson Thrift Thurston Tillman Tilman Timberlake Tisdale Toler Toliver Tomkins Tompkins Toney Tony Towles Travillian Trent Trenton Trice Trixtin Truxton Tryall Tucker Tulwiler Tuning Turner Turpin Tutewiler Tutwiler Tyler Tyra Tyree Ursin Vaughan Vaughn Venable Venerable Vest Via Vice Vowell Vowells Waddy Wade Wadkins Waistcoat Wakeham Wakeman Waldrop Waldrope Walker Walkker Walton Wamsly Ware Washington Watkins Watson Weakly Weaver Webb Webster Weekly Weisenger Weisiger Wells Wheeler White Whitlock Whitlow Wiley Wilkerson Wilkinson William Williams Williamson Willis Wills Wilson Wingfield Winks Winn Winnston Winston Woldridge Wood Woodie Wooding Woodling Woods Woodson Woodward Wooldridge Wooling Woolling Woolrich Worsham Wouldridge Wren Wright Wyatt Wyen Wylie Yago Yancey Yancy Yates Young Yount Zant Zigler
Again, if you would like to purchase a copy, you can click here to get it at Amazon:
I am interested in the Fluvanna Death INDEX A-M. Just stumbled onto it. Where do I find out cost and details? thanks.
It is not just an index, it is a transcription of the death register, A-Z, 1853-96. I have copies for sale...currently $25.00 each and that includes USPS priority mail shipping.
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